Welcome to IVCNZ 2021 - Online!
The IVCNZ organising comittees thank all the presenters and attendees for making the conference a success in 2021.
The last minute decision to take the conference fully online was made under careful consideration, which enabled participation from around the world. A special thank you goes to the international presenters and attendees.
IVCNZ 2022 will be in November and is being organised by Auckland University of Technology. The website can be found here: https://ivcnz2022.aut.ac.nz/. We hope to see you there.
Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ) is New Zealand's premier academic conference for all aspects of computer vision, image processing, visualisation, computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality, and human-computer interactions and applications related to these fields. The 36th conference in the series is proudly hosted by the School of Engineering at the University of Waikato.
IVCNZ is moving online!!
Due to ongoing COVID alert level uncertainties we are now taking IVCNZ fully online. Please note the revised dates of 9-10 December and registration is now open!
Watch out for updates as we release the conference programme and registration info.