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When do registrations close?

Registrations will close at 4:30pm on Friday 18th October 2024


Cancellation policy

Registrations cancelled before Midday on Friday 4th October 2024, will receive a refund, less a 10% administrations fee.

There will be no refunds on tickets after this time.


Can I attend just one day of the conference?

Single day registrations are offered. However, attendance at the 2-day event is recommended to get the most out of the conference.


Can I transfer my ticket to a colleague?

Tickets are transferable if you are no longer able to attend. This change needs to first be approved by your Principal/Manager.

You will need to notify us of this change in writing, via email as soon as possible.

Please include the following information of the person approved to attend in your place:

1. Full name

2. Email address

3. Phone number

4. School/Department

5. Position

6. Dietary requirements

7. Accessibility requirements


Will there be parking available at the conference?

The Conference and Events Centre at Rydges Townsville offer complimentary parking

Who do I contact for event/registration enquiries?

If you have questions in relations to registering, please email or,

If you have questions in relations to the conference itself, please email


How much do tickets cost?

2-Day (including GST and Dinner)

Member - $605.00

Non-Member - $770.00


1-Day (Including GST)

Member - $330.00

Non-member - $440.00

Dinner - $40.00



Is accommodation available for the conference?

Conference delegates must organise their own accommodation if required. The conference venue is linked to Rydges Townsville hotel.



Will there be internet available at the conference?

The Conference and Events Centre at Rydges Townsville offer complimentary Wi-Fi 

Event Location