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Conference committee

Professor Waikaremoana Waitoki

Ngāti Mahanga, Ngāti Hako
Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao, The University of Waikato

Waikaremoana is a clinical psychologist, and the Immediate Past President of the New Zealand Psychological Society. Her research includes kaupapa Māori research, hapū ora, Indigenous psychology and Māori health and wellbeing. Waikaremoana is the Scientific Lead for the WERO project. She is also the theme lead on the projects: Systemic Racism in Health Education, Training and Practice.

Dr Ritu Parna Roy

Research Fellow, Te Ngira: Institute for Population Research, the University of Waikato

Ritu is a sociologist with expertise in ethnicity, racism, intersectionality, social inequalities, and migration studies. Her research explores the operational mechanisms and implications of systemic racism within New Zealand’s immigration and employment domains. (research brief)

Professor Francis L. Collins

Professor of Sociology, Te Puna Mārama, the School of Social Sciences at Waipapa Taumata Rau, The University of Auckland

Francis is a Research Associate of Te Ngira: Institute for Population Research and has extensive international expertise in migration and urban studies. Francis leads the research team looking at Racism and Inequality in Employment. He is involved in projects on recruitment systems, employer preferences and systems of segregation. (article)

Dr Kyle Tan

Research Fellow, Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, University of Waikato

Originally from Malaysia, Kyle has Chinese whakapapa. His academic background is in community psychology and population health. Dr Tan is leading a Special Issue on racism in psychology for the New Zealand Journal of Psychology. (research brief)

Abstract review committee

Additional support for abstract reviews:

Dr Jessica Terruhn

Senior Research Fellow, Te Ngira: Institute for Population Research, University of Waikato

Jessica is a sociologist with expertise in racism and settler colonialism as they intersect with urban inequalities. She leads two projects on racialised housing inequalities in WERO’s Geographies of Racism theme.

Hemopereki Simon

Te Arawa, Tūwharetoa, Waikato-Tainui, Hauraki, Mataatua Whanui

Hemopereki is a research Fellow, Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, the University of Waikato. Hemopereki is an Honorary Indigenous Senior Fellow at the University of Kent. 

Professor Rachel Simon-Kumar

School of Population Health, The University of Auckland

Rachel has a research focus on intersections of ethnicity and gender, diversity policy, and health. Rachel will lead Geographies of Racism and undertake research on environmental impacts of segregation and inter-ethnic racisms.

Image supplied. Karamea Cave Te Waipounamu