Call for Papers
Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ) is New Zealand's premier academic conference on all aspects of computer vision, image processing, visualisation, computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality, and HCI applications related to these fields.
Submissions must be complete manuscripts of 5 to 6 pages, and will be fully peer reviewed. The conference will consist of a mix of oral and poster sessions. No distinction will be made between the presentation types in the conference proceedings. We will run a mix of in person and virtual presentations at IVCNZ this year. Virtual presenters will be required to provide a recording of their presentation approximately three weeks prior to the conference.
In submitting a paper, the authors warrant that should the paper be accepted, the final paper will be prepared in time for inclusion into the published proceedings and that one of the authors will attend the conference and present the paper. The proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore; the committee reserves the right to withdraw any paper from the proceedings that is not presented at the conference. IEEE author templates are found through the link below - please note authors should use the A4 template for their paper.
Submissions are made through the CMT portal. If you do not already have an account there you will need to create one. You can either search for the IVCNZ conference or access through the linked button below. Please select the IVCNZ track for your submission to the conference.
Key dates:
Submission of papers: 10/09/2021 **04/10/2021** Extended deadline
Notification of acceptance: 22/10/2021
Camera ready papers: 12/11/2021
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Artificial intelligence approaches to computer vision
- Augmented and virtual reality
- Automated visual surveillance
- Biomedical imaging and visualisation
- Biologically inspired vision systems
- Biometrics
- Calibration techniques
- Computer graphics
- Enhancement of video and still images
- Face recognition
- Feature detection and extraction
- Feature detection and extraction
- Geometric modelling in vision and graphics
- Graph matching
- Image analysis and understanding
- Image based rendering
- Image compression and coding
- Machine vision applications
- Medical imaging applications
- Motion tracking and analysis
- Motion synthesis and control
- Multimedia information retrieval
- Multimedia information retrieval
- Novel algorithms or techniques
- Object recognition
- Pattern recognition and classification
- Reconstruction techniques
- Rendering and scientific visualization
- Scientific visualisation
- Security image processing
- Shape recovery from multiple images
- Sonar and acoustical imaging
- Stereo image analysis
- 3D Imaging
Instructions for Video File Generation and Upload
Video file
- Please record your video in 16:9 aspect ratio at 720 px (vertical) or close to it.
- Please name your file <paperNumber-firstAuthor.xxx>. E.g. 02-Hendrix.mpeg or 31-Winehouse.acc.
- Use one of the common file formats (preferred is mp4). To check compatibility you may upload to Google drive and attempt to play your video from there.
- Oral presentation videos should be 15 minutes and poster videos 3 minutes in length.
- Please upload your video via the link emailed to you.
- Uploads are due Thursday 25th November (American time) or Friday 26th November (NZ time).
Tips for recording video.
- Please record your video with your slide presentation in full screen mode but with your face visible as you speak.
- Use the video recording software of your choice. Please note that the maximum file size for each video is 1GB, but your video should be much smaller than this.
- An easy option is to use Zoom.
- Start a ‘call’ in zoom and press ‘share screen’ at the bottom of the window. You can select your slide show and begin your presentation.
- Before uploading, please check the video and audio for quality. If necessary, please re-record, or edit the video to the correct length or to remove mistakes.
Oral Presentation
Authors of Oral papers will be required to present their paper as a live, on-line Zoom presentation followed by Q&A during their scheduled timeslot. Live presentation of Oral papers is a requirement for publication in IEEE Xplore. Timeslots for Oral papers will be 20-minutes total, comprising of 15 minutes of live virtual presentation followed by 5 minutes of live Q&A. In addition, each presenter of an Oral paper is required to provide a 15-minute pre-recorded video of their talk (see Instructions below). The pre-recorded video will be used for backup purposes and on-demand viewing.
Summary: Oral paper
- 20-minute live Zoom slot per paper comprising:
- 15-minute live presentation
- 5-minute live Q&A
- Upload a 15-minute pre-recorded video presentation of your talk
- Aspect ratio 16:9
Instructions for recording your presentation with Zoom: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/ieeetv-specials/recording-your-presentation-with-zoom
Please be sure the video includes the title of the Oral paper, the authors, and a mention of IVCNZ 2021.
Poster authors will produce a one-page A0 Poster in PDF format and a short presentation by prerecorded video. The video should be 3 minutes long, and consist of a single “poster” slide, but otherwise follow the instructions above for Oral presentation.
The Presenter is required to be available on-line during the entire duration of the Poster session as a panellist for live virtual discussion of his/her Poster and Q&A. This is a requirement for publication in IEEE Xplore.
Summary: Poster Presentation
- Half hour live Zoom session comprising:
- Four participants each providing a 3 minute video
- A 15 minute live Q&A.
- Upload a 3-minute pre-recorded video presentation of your talk and the PDF of your A0 poster. Please ensure the poster file name starts with your paper number like with the video.
Instructions for recording your presentation with Zoom: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/ieeetv-specials/recording-your-presentation-with-zoom
Please be sure the video includes the title of the Poster, the authors, and a mention of IVCNZ 2021.