Words to ponder from one of our Principals…….. Is your career aspiration to be the best teacher that you can possibly be?
Do you want to teach for the benefits of student outcomes and not for your career?
If you answered no, consider a different career, for you are going into the job for the wrong reasons…
However, if you answered yes to these questions, you have my interest and I hope I have yours.
My main aim is to support and guide you along your career to becoming the best teacher you can be. Central Queensland, as a region, has the will and determination to make you realise your potential.
What are the givens about teaching in CQ? As a State School Principal working in Central Queensland, I will tell you now that my colleagues and I will not and do not accept mediocrity in the classroom. Neither will you. The quality of instruction you provide is the single biggest contributor to students being successful at school. That is not your responsibility alone, however, it is a weighty burden. Too often teachers go into schools and feel unsupported in meeting the challenges that a teaching career can offer. I am here to tell you that CQ and Winton State School is committed to its mentoring program and has a proven record for building teaching capacity quickly. As a Positive Behaviour for Learning school, we apply this philosophy to everything we do, including supporting our new staff. The organisational culture of our region/school is the most supportive I have ever been involved in, and as a Principal, has changed what I expect at a school level.
We build collaborative partnerships, open classrooms, learning conversations, team ownership of student data, personal accountability and celebrations of personal successes. We do all of this in an intentionally inviting environment.
Still want to be the best teacher you can possibly be?
Jason White Principal Winton State School Central Queensland Peaked your interest? Vacancies currently exist in our remote communities - learn more about the adventures available to you: http://youtu.be/0kuTZ7UIcVI | Please open link on this page for Current Vacancies in CQR