It is with great regret the HGVS event at ASHG has been cancelled.
The change in the ASHG schedule that has the main meeting start at 1:00 PM forced us to contract to a half-day and a very early start. Other competing events at the same time have also had a negative impact on our event leaving us with no choice but to cancel.
We apologise for the inconvenience.
If you have registered you will receive a refund soon.
A scientific meeting of the Human Genome Variation Society
Satellite meeting to the American Society of Human Genetics' annual meeting.
Genotype-phenotype correlations have long been an area of interest in genetic research. A subset of this topic involves “Intermediate phenotypes” or “endophenotypes”, which are heritable biological traits within complex conditions that are measurable and relate to the mechanism of the full heritable condition. They have been a source of ongoing study in neuro-psychiatric illness, cystic fibrosis, obesity, and other diseases. Intermediate phenotypes have been used to aid gene discovery and in the interpretation of GWAS studies of complex phenotypes. This meeting will explore new data on Intermediate Phenotypes in these contexts.
Scientific Program Committee
- Steven E. Brenner
- Marc Greenblatt (Burlington, VT, USA)
Abstracts - Close 15th September 2019
We invite abstracts to be submitted to the meeting within the theme of "Genotypes and Intermediate Phenotypes". Due to the early start of the ASHG meeting this year two to three selected abstracts within the theme will be given the opportunity to present in a rapid-fire presentation. These abstracts may also present a poster during the coffee break. Due to time limitations, all other abstracts can be accepted as poster presentations only. Abstracts within the theme will be given priority presentations. Please follow instructions on the Abstract page.
Keynote Speakers & Topics
David Craig (USC)
Stephen Montgomery (Stanford)
"Using gene expression to interpret common and rare genetic disease"
Stanley Nelson (UCLA)*
Jonathan Pritchard (Stanford)
"Trans-regulation of gene expression can drive omnigenic inheritance of human complex traits"
Marylyn Ritchie (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
"Exploring the relationship between the genome and the phenome through PheWAS"
Kaitlin Samocha (Wellcome Sanger)
Brian Shirts (Univ.of Washington)
"Using cosegregation analysis and other family data to evaluate intermediate phenotypes"
*= To be Confirmed
Meet our invited speakers
Craig, David
Montgomery, Stephen
Nelson, Stanley F.
Pritchard, Jonathan
Ritchie, Marylyn
Samocha, Kaitlin
Shirts, Brian
Where will the meeting be held?
Room : Lanier Ballroom DE, Level 4
600 Lamar Street
Texas, USA
(connected to George R. Brown Convention Center where ASHG will be held)
Tuesday 15th October 2019
Registration opens: 7:15 am
Meeting begins: 8:00 am
Meeting Ends: 12:00 pm (gives you time to get to ASHG sessions nearby)

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