Early bird rates end December 31, 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What's included in my registration?
A: Access to the conference sessions, Morning tea and Lunch and the networking reception.
Q: When do the Early Bird rates end?
A: December 31, 2025.
Q: What's the VIP code?
A: Unless you have been sent a code please ignore this box and DO NOT hit apply.
Q: Can we register as a group?
A: Yes you may, but you'll need to ensure you have all the necessary information and authority from each delegate.
Q: Do I have to be a member to attend?
A: No, but it is less expensive if you are a member. Contact Business South Inc and you will receive all the additional benefits of being a member.
Q: I've tried to login in but it won't let me.
A: You must register first before you can login in, this registration site is not connected to the BSI membership website password.
Q: I'm trying to register but it keeps asking for my password.
A: If this happens it's usually because you have an error or missing data please re check all field
Q: How can I pay?
A: You can pay by credit card using PayRix the secure iVvy payment gateway or by online banking.
A credit card fee 2.9%, will be added to your fee, to cover charges from credit card payment providers.
Online banking once you select this method you will receive an email with an invoice link, download the invoice for your records. We reconcile payments on Mondays and Fridays and then email you a receipt.
Q: I've paid but my registration still says I owe money.
A: Direct banking is not automatic, it may take a day to clear then we need to reconcile your payment we try and reconcile payments twice a week Mondays and Fridays.
Q: I paid weeks ago, but it says I still owe money.
A: We may be unable to reconcile your payment due to lack of identifying information, please send the organisers a screen shot of your payment. Contact Us
Q: Can I have a receipt?
A: If you paid successfully by credit card you will be sent an automatic email with a link, please check your spam folder then log in and download your receipt. If paying by direct banking, once we reconcile your payment we will send and email with a link, please check you spam folder.