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ISAPA Submission

Opens: 5/09/22 9:00 AM
Closes: 28/03/23 6:00 PM


Open 5 September 2022 Close 11.30pm NZST  20 March 2023

Papers should be no more than 250 words, not including title/authors/affiliations, but including tables.

Your abstract should use the following formats and sent as an email attachment:

  • Calibri
  • Font size 10
  • 1.15 line spacing
  • Left aligned

Title of Paper should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study. Write the title in bold and in CAPTIALS

Name of presenter should be underlined, authors should be superscripted (Ctrl Shift +) after last name e.g., J. Smith1

Affiliations/Organisations should be in Italics superscripts included for different organisations at the beginning of the name  e.g., 1University of Otago

The abstract should include:

A concise and explanatory title

Statement including purpose, methods (including design, population, and analysis), results and implications. 

Submissions have closed.