Saturday 4 May 2019
Symposium: 9.00am - 4.30pm
Professional Association meeting: 5pm (to finish no later than 6.30pm)
Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, University of Waikato
Gate 2B, Knighton Road, Hamilton
The Aotearoa New Zealand Trans Health Symposium will bring people together for interactive sessions on research and clinical practice in the area of trans people’s health. We will release key findings from the Aotearoa NZ Trans and Non-binary Health Survey (Counting Ourselves), discuss the latest guidelines for clinical practice, and plan ways to build networks for people around Aotearoa who are working on trans health.
The symposium activities have been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and have been approved for up to 5.75 CME credits for the General Practice Educational Programme (GPEP) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) purposes.
Programme outline now available! Click to view
Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts
Gate 2b
Knighton Road
New Zealand 3240
Event Organiser
Jaimie Veale
+64 7 837 9216
Email Organiser
The Aotearoa New Zealand Trans Health Symposium organising committee includes:
- Phylesha Brown-Acton - F'INE
- Jack Byrne - Counting Ourselves (The University of Waikato)
- Thomas Hamilton - re.frame
- Dr Rachel Johnson - Centre for Youth Health (CMDHB)
- Joey Macdonald - Kāhui Tū Kaha
- Duncan Matthews - Treasurer, Rule Foundation
- Dr Jeannie Oliphant - Auckland Sexual Health Service
- Dr Jaimie Veale - Counting Ourselves (The University of Waikato)
- Ahi Wi-hongi - Gender Minorities Aotearoa