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8:30 AM - 8:55 AM


Duration: 25 mins
8:55 AM - 9:00 AM

Epworth HealthCare Introduction and Welcome

A/Prof Christine Jackman

Associate Professor Christine Jackman is the Dean of the Epworth Clinical School, coordinator of... More

Duration: 5 mins
9:10 AM - 9:40 AM

Session 1 - Challenges of programmatic assessment

Objective: Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges of work-based assessment and best practice in work-based assessment 

Session chair: Vivek Nigam

Professor Kichu Nair

Professor Nair is the Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean, School of Medicine and... More

Dr Vivek Nigam

Duration: 30 mins
9:40 AM - 10:05 AM

Session 2 - Clinical Competency Committees - how do they work?

Objective: Demonstrate understanding of how teaching and learning occurs in the clinical setting 

Session chair: Vivek Nigam

Wendy Davis

Wendy is the manager of Medical Education at Epworth HealthCare. She is a graduate of Harvard... More

A/Prof Victor Lee

A/Prof Victor Lee is Director of Emergency Medicine Education, Medical simulation lead and... More

Dr Vivek Nigam

Duration: 25 mins
10:05 AM - 10:30 AM

Session 3 - Diagnosing the learner in difficulty 

Objective: Describe strategies for assessing the learner in difficulty 

Chair: Vivek Nigam

A/Prof Christine Jackman

Associate Professor Christine Jackman is the Dean of the Epworth Clinical School, coordinator of... More

Dr Vivek Nigam

Duration: 25 mins
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Morning tea



Duration: 30 mins
11:00 AM - 11:25 AM

Session 4 - Training for collaborative practices - where are we at?

Objective: Demonstrate understanding of the current reasearch in learning for collaborative practice

Session chair: Wendy Davis

Wendy Davis

Wendy is the manager of Medical Education at Epworth HealthCare. She is a graduate of Harvard... More

A/Prof Fiona Kent

Fiona is the Director Collaborative Care and Work Integrated Learning in the Faculty of... More

Duration: 25 mins
11:25 AM - 11:50 AM

Session 5 - Changes in the pedagogical delivery of the new Melbourne MD program

Objective: Understand changes in the pedagogical delivery of the MD 

Session chair: Wendy Davis

A/Prof Lisa Cheshire

Associate Professor Lisa Cheshire has been a medical educator and passionate student advocate... More

Wendy Davis

Wendy is the manager of Medical Education at Epworth HealthCare. She is a graduate of Harvard... More

Duration: 25 mins
11:50 AM - 12:15 PM
Main theatre

Session 6 - Educational factors leading to trainee burnout

Objective: Identify educational factors leading to trainee burnout

Session chair: Wendy Davis 

Wendy Davis

Wendy is the manager of Medical Education at Epworth HealthCare. She is a graduate of Harvard... More

A/Prof Michael Ponsford

A/Prof. Michael Ponsford is a rehabilitation physician with a special interest in Head injury,... More

Duration: 25 mins
12:15 PM - 12:50 PM


Duration: 35 mins
12:50 PM - 1:35 PM
Main theatre

Session 7 - How do we educate students in patient centred care?

Objective: Understand the importance of health professional education in patient centred care and potential models for learning 

Session chair: A/Prof Christine Jackman

Dr Ben Bravery

Originally a zoologist and science communicator, Ben worked for the Australian and Chinese... More

A/Prof Christine Jackman

Associate Professor Christine Jackman is the Dean of the Epworth Clinical School, coordinator of... More

Duration: 45 mins
1:35 PM - 2:00 PM
Main theatre

Session 8 - A model of education for a new technology in health care management 

Objective: Describe a model of education for a new technology in health care management 


Session chair: A/Prof Christine Jackman 

Mr Phil Dundee

BSc, MBBS, FRACS(Urol) Phil is a urological surgeon with expertise in robotic and advanced... More

A/Prof Christine Jackman

Associate Professor Christine Jackman is the Dean of the Epworth Clinical School, coordinator of... More

Duration: 25 mins
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 9 - Future directions in medical education

Session chairs: A/Prof Christine Jackman and Wendy Davis


Dr Ben Bravery

Originally a zoologist and science communicator, Ben worked for the Australian and Chinese... More

A/Prof Lisa Cheshire

Associate Professor Lisa Cheshire has been a medical educator and passionate student advocate... More

A/Prof Fiona Kent

Fiona is the Director Collaborative Care and Work Integrated Learning in the Faculty of... More

A/Prof Victor Lee

A/Prof Victor Lee is Director of Emergency Medicine Education, Medical simulation lead and... More

Professor Kichu Nair

Professor Nair is the Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean, School of Medicine and... More

Duration: 45 mins