Epstein-Barr virus infection dysregulates the MS risk miRNA expressions in B cells

Epstein-Barr virus infection dysregulates the MS risk miRNA expressions in B... More
PEGylation of Gas6 for therapeutic use in demyelinating disease

PEGylation of Gas6 for therapeutic use in demyelinating disease. BACKGROUND Gas6 is a... More
Tyro3 in myelin repair and axonal conductivity

Tyro3 in myelin repair and axonal conductivity BACKGROUND Secondary progressive... More
Into the unknown – studying MS families to find the unknown genetic component of MS
Heterozygote point mutation in transcription factor IRF4 protects from developing ascending paralysis in a MS mouse mode

A heterozygote point mutation in the transcription factor IRF4 protects from developing... More
Whole-blood methylation as a prognostic biomarker for multiple sclerosis

Whole-blood methylation as a prognostic biomarker for multiple sclerosis.BACKGROUND The lack of... More
Assessing health-related quality-of-life in Australian MS Longitudinal Study participants using 6 multi-attribute ....

Assessing health-related quality-of-life in Australian Multiple Sclerosis Longitudinal... More
Investigating health-related quality of life impacts for participants of the Australian MS Longitudinal Study using ....

Investigating health-related quality of life impacts for participants of the Australian... More
Diagnostic power of rapid and objective visual testing of multiple sclerosis patients

Diagnostic power of rapid and objective visual testing of multiple sclerosis... More
Going beyond tokenistic: the experience of being a consumer involved in research about multiple sclerosis

Going beyond tokenistic: the experience of being a consumer involved in research about... More
Knowledge translation in the international MS community: evaluation of the Understanding MS free online course

Knowledge translation in the international MS community: an evaluation of the... More
Sensory enrichment during early development transiently enhances oligodendrocyte survival

Sensory enrichment during early development transiently enhances oligodendrocyte... More
Delineating the role of monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) in the context of neuroinflammation-mediated ....

Delineating the role of monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) in the context of... More
Illness Perceptions and Coping in the Relationship between Personality, Depression, Anxiety and Illness Acceptance in MS

Illness Perceptions and Coping in the Relationship between Personality, Depression,... More
Variability of the response to immunotherapy among sub-groups of patients with multiple sclerosis
Variability of the response to immunotherapy among sub-groups of patients with multiple... More
Comparison of multiple disease modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis with marginal structural models
Comparison of multiple disease modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis with marginal... More
A systematic review of self-concept change in Multiple Sclerosis

A systematic review of self-concept change in Multiple... More
Adoption of multiple lifestyle behaviours is associated with improved quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis

Adoption of multiple lifestyle behaviours is associated with improved quality of life in... More
Repeated short-term demyelination events impair oligodendrocyte survival and result in remyelination failure in the ....

Repeated short-term demyelination events impair oligodendrocyte survival and result in... More
A rare case of concurrent anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis and first presentation Multiple Sclerosis in the setting ....

A rare case of concurrent anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis and first presentation... More
Gene expression differences identified in iPSC-derived astrocytes from people with MS

Gene expression differences identified in iPSC-derived astrocytes from people with... More
Can oligodendrocyte-derived methylation signatures in cell-free DNA help inform treatment decisions and prevent ....

Can oligodendrocyte-derived methylation signatures in cell-free DNA help inform... More
An interactive step training system to reduce falls in people with multiple sclerosis: a multi-centre randomised ....

An interactive step training system to reduce falls in people with multiple sclerosis: a... More
United they stand, divided they fall: Machine Learning accurately predicts multiple sclerosis severity where GWAS fails

United they stand, divided they fall: Machine Learning accurately predicts multiple... More
Using Amide Proton Transfer to investigate and characterize lesions and normal-appearing white matter in MS

Using Amide Proton Transfer to investigate and characterize lesions and normal-appearing... More
Combined Poster, 2 Abstracts

Biomarkers of depression in individuals with multiple sclerosis and depression: a systematic... More
Choroid plexus volume predicts expansion of chronic lesions and brain atrophy

Choroid plexus volume predicts expansion of chronic lesions and brain... More
Acceptability study of ELEVIDA, an online intervention for fatigue in multiple sclerosis

Acceptability study of ELEVIDA, an online intervention for fatigue in multiple... More
Poor sleep: a new symptom of multiple sclerosis?

Poor sleep: a new symptom of multiple sclerosis? BACKGROUND Difficulties with... More
Dendritic cell therapy for multiple sclerosis based on promoting Mertk signalling

Dendritic cell therapy for multiple sclerosis based on promoting Mertk... More
Toxin-induced demyelination alters PV immunoreactivity and increases the proportion of mature dendritic spines in ...

Toxin-induced demyelination alters PV immunoreactivity and increases the proportion of... More
Smoking, infectious mononucleosis, early-life exposures and risk of progressive-onset Multiple Sclerosis: a case ....

Smoking, infectious mononucleosis, early-life exposures and risk of progressive-onset... More
An attenuated murine EAE variant for evaluating Multiple Sclerosis therapies

An attenuated murine EAE variant for evaluating Multiple Sclerosis... More
Novel plasma & brain proteins implicated in multiple sclerosis susceptibility as potential targets for drug repurposing

Novel Plasma and Brain Proteins implicated in Multiple Sclerosis Susceptibility as Potential... More
Non-pharmacological methods for reducing fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis (FAMUS)

Non-pharmacological methods for reducing fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis... More
The modulation of the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism by Monomethyl fumarate in mouse subventricular ....

The modulation of the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism by Monomethyl fumarate in... More
Laquinimod as a novel regulator of Kynurenine Pathway in Neural Stem Cells and Monocytes

Laquinimod as a novel regulator of Kynurenine Pathway in Neural Stem Cells and... More
A 10-year longitudinal study of rapid and objective visual function testing of multiple sclerosis patients

A 10-year longitudinal study of rapid and objective visual function testing of multiple... More
Disease reactivation after cessation of disease-modifying therapy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

Disease reactivation after cessation of disease-modifying therapy in relapsing-remitting... More
Cladribine: a multicentre, LOng-term efficacy and Biomarker Australian Study (CLOBAS)

Cladribine: a multicentre, LOng-term efficacy and Biomarker Australian Study... More
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Multiple Sclerosis results in deletion of auto-reactive public CD4+ ....

Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Multiple Sclerosis results in deletion of... More
Using signatures of natural selection to focus the search for causal genetic variants in multiple sclerosis

Using signatures of natural selection to focus the search for causal genetic variants in... More
Establishing MS Stem - a repository of well characterised induced pluripotent stem cell lines from people with MS

Establishing MS Stem - a repository of well characterised induced pluripotent stem cell... More
Description of Multiple Sclerosis cohorts from the Middle East between 2009 and 2019
Description of Multiple Sclerosis cohorts from the Middle East between 2009 and... More
Effect of multiple sclerosis disease modifying therapies, natalizumab, ocrelizumab, fingolimod and cladribine, on ....

Effect of multiple sclerosis disease modifying therapies, natalizumab, ocrelizumab,... More
Low intensity repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation does not alter OL survival or demyelination during ....

Low intensity repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation does not alter OL survival or... More
Age-related decline in oligodendrogenesis is mediated by neuronal TrkB

Age-related decline in oligodendrogenesis is mediated by neuronal... More
Multiple sclerosis patients positive for HLA-DR15 have fewer CD14+ MERTK+ monocytes at remission, which is further ...

Multiple sclerosis patients positive for HLA-DR15 have fewer CD14+ MERTK+ monocytes at... More
Intertwined like a double helix: a meta-synthesis of qualitative literature examining the experiences of living ....

Intertwined like a double helix: a meta-synthesis of qualitative literature examining... More
Defining how vitamin D promotes tolerogenic dendritic cells to enable its use in combined therapy

Defining how vitamin D promotes tolerogenic dendritic cells to enable its use in... More
Towards evidence-based nutrition: Developing and interpreting targeted nutrition message among Australians with MS

Towards evidence-based nutrition: Developing and interpreting targeted nutrition message... More
The relationship between the tryptophan-kynurenine pathway and cognitive fatigue and impairment in multiple ....

The relationship between the tryptophan-kynurenine pathway and cognitive fatigue and... More
GluK4-containing kainite receptors impair action potential propagation, synaptic communication & motor function in mice

GluK4-containing kainite receptors impair action potential propagation, synaptic... More
High and low efficacy therapy in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis

High and low efficacy therapy in secondary progressive multiple... More
Disease reactivation after cessation of disease-modifying therapy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

Disease reactivation after cessation of disease-modifying therapy in relapsing-remitting... More
Pro-inflammatory diet is associated with worse long-term depression and anxiety levels but not fatigue in MS

Pro-inflammatory diet is associated with worse long-term depression and anxiety levels... More
A collaborative approach to designing an online nutrition education program for people with multiple sclerosis

A collaborative approach to designing an online nutrition education program for people with... More
Predicting Infection Risk in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated with Ocrelizumab: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Predicting Infection Risk in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated with Ocrelizumab: A... More
Robust label-free imaging to assess demyelination

Robust label-free imaging to assess demyelination. BACKGROUND Demyelination is... More
Histological and proteomic investigations of the visual pathway using the cuprizone demyelination model

Histological and proteomic investigations of the visual pathway using the cuprizone... More
Impact of high fibre diet and its combination with intermittent fasting in CNS autoimmunity

Impact of high fibre diet and its combination with intermittent fasting in CNS... More
Natalizumab versus fingolimod in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a subgroup analysis from ....

Natalizumab versus fingolimod in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a... More
Confirmed disability progression as a marker of permanent disability in multiple sclerosis

Confirmed disability progression as a marker of permanent disability in multiple... More
Prospective associations of better diet quality with improved quality of life over 7.5 years in people with MS

Prospective associations of better diet quality with improved quality of life over 7.5... More
Higher quality diet and non-consumption of meat are associated with less disability progression in people with MS

Higher quality diet and non-consumption of meat are associated with less disability... More
Prospective associations of better diet quality with health state utilities over 5 years in people with multiple scleros

Prospective associations of better diet quality with health state utilities over 5 years in... More
The UPR preserves mature oligodendrocyte viability and function in adults by regulating autophagy of PLP

The UPR preserves mature oligodendrocyte viability and function in adults by regulating... More
Gray matter atrophy and axonal damage is more pronounced in males compared to females in mice with experimental ...

Gray matter atrophy and axonal damage is more pronounced in males compared to females in mice... More
The kynurenine pathway affects social cognition in people with multiple sclerosis and healthy individuals ....

The kynurenine pathway affects social cognition in people with multiple sclerosis and... More
MS Specialist Nurse Care: Patterns of access and impact on health outcomes

MS Specialist Nurse Care: Patterns of access and impact on health... More
A systematic review of the effects of lifestyle self-management regimes that improve the life quality of people ...

A systematic review of the effects of lifestyle self-management regimes that improve the life... More
Investigating the shared genetic architecture between multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel diseases

Investigating the shared genetic architecture between multiple sclerosis and... More
Neuronal TrkB mediates differentiation and survival of oligodendroglial lineage cells in a spatiotemporal manner ....

Neuronal TrkB mediates differentiation and survival of oligodendroglial lineage cells in... More
Immune cell transcriptomics reveals different pathways regulated by vitamin D in multiple sclerosis

Immune cell transcriptomics reveals different pathways regulated by vitamin D in... More
Continued adherence to specific diets is associated with lower depression and fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis

Continued adherence to specific diets is associated with lower depression and fatigue in... More
The design, development and feasibility on an online lifestyle program for people with MS

The design, development and feasibility on an online lifestyle program for people with... More
Time to relapse after switching to cladribine is predicted by relapse during the washout period

Time to relapse after switching to cladribine is predicted by relapse during the washout... More
Disability and pregnancy in multiple sclerosis - relationships with leukocyte telomere length

Disability and pregnancy in multiple sclerosis: relationships with leukocyte telomere... More
Effect of priming on the cargo and function of human amniotic epithelial cell (hAEC)-derived Extracellular Vesicles EVs

Effect of priming on the cargo and function of human amniotic epithelial cell... More
Assessment of the breath of spike antibody mediated protection after CVID-19 vaccinations in patients with MS

Assessment of the breath of spike antibody mediated protection after CVID-19 vaccinations in... More
Transcriptomic analyses of normal-appearing CNS white matter from multiple sclerosis donors reveal subtype-specific ...

Transcriptomic analyses of normal-appearing CNS white matter from multiple sclerosis donors... More
Spike Ab seroconversion following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in Australian people with Multiple Sclerosis

Spike Ab seroconversion following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in Australian people with Multiple... More
Pro-inflammatory effects of the L-proline analogue L-azetidine-2-carboxlyic acid in microglial BV2 cells ...

Pro-inflammatory effects of the L-proline analogue L-azetidine-2-carboxlyic acid in microglial... More
Time & motion market research survey of three treatments for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) in Australia

Time & motion market research survey of three treatments for relapsing remitting multiple... More
Clinical and radiological features of atypical initial presentations of multiple sclerosis - a case control analysis

Clinical and radiological features of atypical initial presentations of multiple sclerosis... More
Low vitamin D levels do not predict risk of autoimmune disease following alemtuzumab treatment for multiple sclerosis

Low vitamin D levels do not predict risk of autoimmune disease following alemtuzumab treatment... More
Enhancing cardiorespiratory exercise response in people with advanced multiple sclerosis with hybrid functional ....

Enhancing cardiorespiratory exercise response in people with advanced multiple sclerosis... More
Correlation of diffusion tensor imaging with clinical parameters of early RRMS compared to healthy controls

Correlation of Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Clinical Parameters of Early RRMS Compared to... More
Venue Map & Contact Event Organiser
Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart
1 Davey Street
Tasmania Australia 7000
Event Organiser
Conference Secretariat, MS Australia
08 7071 1010