NZSSD Submissions 2025
NZSSD ASM: Abstract Submissions 2025
We look forward to receiving abstracts across all areas of diabetes care. We have a commitment to equity in healthcare and look forward to receiving abstracts that have incorporated this principle. Preference will be given to abstracts presenting original research or practice / innovation across both traditional and kaupapa Māori methodologies. Abstracts from partially completed studies where “results will be discussed” will not be accepted.
You will be asked whether your preference is for oral, poster or either. Previous years indicate that it is likely we will not be able to accept all those preferring an oral and some of these may be offered posters.
You will also be asked to identify which category you would like your abstract considered under:
o Diabetes and Technology
o Diabetes Science
o Diabetes Care
o Diabetes Complications and associated conditions
o Diabetes in Pregnancy
o Diabetes in Paediatrics and/or Youth
o Lifestyle – Nutrition and Exercise
o Psychosocial Care
We appreciate that many abstracts will fit across more than one category, please choose the one which fits most closely. You will need to identify if your abstract is part of a larger study with other abstracts submitted.
Abstracts will be eligible for awards in the following categories (if there are at least 3 submissions in that category):
- Student: best oral
- Student: best poster
- Allied Health/Nursing: best oral
- Allied Health/Nursing: best poster
You will be asked to indicate if you would like to be considered for an award and in which category.
Note: student means having not been part of the health workforce for more than 5 years. If you are a long-standing clinician who has returned to study, please do not ask to be considered for a student award. We are encouraging newer members of the diabetes research community with this award.
NZSSD summer student / research grant recipients
You will be asked to indicate if you are a NZSSD summer student recipient / research grant recipient as we are aware that you are required to present as part of receiving these grants. You must still meet all formatting criteria.
Presentation type’s post acceptance:
There is no limit to the number of abstracts which may be submitted by one author. However, a presenting author will only be offered a maximum of two oral presentations. Remaining accepted abstracts will be only offered as poster presentations.
Oral presentation
Will be allocated 12 minutes to present including allowing 3 minutes for questions.
Must be able to present in-person
Poster presentation
Posters will be on electronic display for the entire conference – you do not need to provide a physical poster.
Accepted posters may also be offered the opportunity to participate in an oral poster synopsis session if time in the meeting programme allows.
Poster presenters are to design their poster using the following formatting.
- Format - .jpg or .png
- Frame Size - minimum 1080 pixels wide x 1920 pixels high (9:16 portrait)
- Colour - RGB. Not CMYK
- File size - 200KB - 1MB
If possible, the judging panel request a PDF of your poster to be emailed to the conference organiser before April 28, 2025.
Key dates:
Closing date: Wednesday 26 February 2025 at midnight. Abstracts will not be accepted after this date.
Presenters notified: in the week beginning Monday 24 March 2025 via email. This will only go to the corresponding author. If you have not heard by Friday 28 March, please contact the conference organiser
Additional submission information:
You should receive an email acknowledgement immediately after submission, if you do not receive this, please check your junk folder before contacting the conference managers.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the abstract – they will be reproduced as submitted.
It will be possible to replace your abstract after you have submitted it until the closing date.
If accepted the presenter will be required to register for the ASM for at least the day of their presentation.
In submitting you agree to have your abstract published in the meeting programme handbook.
In submitting you agree the abstract may be selected for publication in NZMJ.
Abstract format:
Please use the template provided, rename your document with your first and last names and short title save as a PDF and upload. Any incorrectly submitted abstracts will not be reviewed… DOUBLE CHECK formatting before submitting
Abstracts must be no more than 250 words (excluding title, authors and affiliations)
- Font: Calibri 10
- Line spacing: 1.15
- Title – in BOLD
- All text in lower case
- Authors written in lower case with first and last name only
- Do not include titles or degrees
- Presenters name must be underlined
- Any conflicts of interest must be declared
- Affiliations/institutions should be in italics
- Identify author affiliations using superscript numbers; each author can have more than one listed
- Identify any researchers who kaupapa Māori and their iwi
- Tables may be included but will be part of the word count
- Do not include references
Introduction / Objectives
Discussion / Conclusions
OR equivalent if submitting a community style project
Any submitters selected to be included for publication in the NZMJ, will be advised of the required formatting required for that publication.