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Australian Festival Industry Conference 2025

8th Sep 2025 - 9th Sep 2025
08:00 AM - 08:30 PM
Rivershed, Brisbane, 5 Boundary Street Brisbane Queensland Australia 4000


Please note: the below schedule is subject to change without notice

8:30 AM
  • Registrations open

    Indulge in a complimentary barista coffee at the Australian Frontline Solutions coffee cart. 

    1.25 hours
  • Trade show & exhibition
    8.5 hours
9:45 AM
  • Welcome to Country with Uncle Allan Murray
    10 mins
9:55 AM
  • AFIC Event Director welcome
    5 mins
10:00 AM
  • Keynote Address: Co-designing a Festival with First Nations Peoples

    By the end of this presentation you will understand: 

    • that community centred approaches result in vital social connection and engagement, and true collaboration requires trust and respect which is built and established over time.

    • how to be comfortable working with cultural and creative leaders, who often bring new approaches, deeper thinking and focus on symbolism over detail

    • how to embrace perspectives, exercise active listening and respect - all essential elements to authentic and genuine relationships, and an exciting manifesto from which to shape meaningful and impactful experiences.

    Keynote Speaker: Rhoda Roberts AO

    A Widjabul woman from the Bundjalung territories, Rhoda Roberts AO and an experienced festival... More

    25 mins
10:30 AM
  • Tips to insure against natural disasters

    Strategic Partner Address: Tips to Insure against Natural Disasters

    Jason Holmes

    Jason Holmes is a specialist in insurance for festivals, major events, entertainment, film,... More

    25 mins
11:00 AM
11:35 AM
  • Event marketing: staying ahead of the game
    Alana Hay

    Alana Hay is the Founder and Managing Director of Milestone Creative Australia - a multi... More

    25 mins
12:05 PM
  • Creating the world's most remote festival: sustainability lessons from the outback

    The Big Red Bash is the world’s most remote music festival and has been running for a decade.

    Sustainability is an important focus for the team and the festival has always maintained a ‘leave no trace’ policy. In this session, you’ll hear from the founder and managing director on:
    •        What ‘sustainability’ means to the festival
    •        The key challenges associated with running an event in a remote location and ensuring it continues to remain environmentally sustainable
    •        How the festival manages its waste and associated environmental impacts
    •        How to ‘socialise’ sustainable behaviour among your event attendees

    Greg Donavan

    After spending 35 years working in senior positions in the banking and insurance... More

    25 mins
12:35 PM
  • Collective climate action: how Adelaide’s major festivals are working together to drive change

    Justyna Jochym, CEO of Festival City Adelaide, will unveil an Australian-first sustainability strategy.

    This presentation will provide an insight into:

    • how Adelaide's major festivals are collectively working together to deliver a city-wide event sustainability strategy - the first of its kind in Australia!

    • how the strategy has been built the partnership with Green Industries SA and Green Music Australia

    • the goals and benefits of the strategy 

    Don't miss this informative session - a must for Council delegates, responsible for sustainability, destination management and event management. 

    Berish Bilander

    Berish Bilander is a composer, pianist and CEO of Green Music Australia, a globally recognised... More

    25 mins
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
  • New Product Showcase

    AFIC's New Product Showcase is about profiling new products and services to hit the Australian market in the last 12-18 months. In this session we'll hear from these four cutting edge firms:

    • StagekingsStagekings recently partnered with Irmarfer Structures as the official Australasian partner, providing unparalleled expertise and cutting-edge solutions in temporary structures and venues. With this exceptional range of new & innovative structures (Wave 55 Roof, Igloos and Multilevel decking structures) and with our commitment to excellence, we aim to be the new name in temporary structures across Australasia. 

    • Backpocketthe first payment service in the world that allows customers to checkout and instantly share the cost. Luke Trickett, the founder of Backpocket, will share the remarkable benefits for industries affected by COVID-19; boosting sales for cultural events, festivals, and other live experiences alike. Understand the untapped potential of group bookings and discover Backpocket’s inspiring vision for the future of social payments.

    • Meshh: Meshh will introduce you to their intelligent data capture technology. Improve your understanding of how your attendees move and interact with your festival and event space through passive data collection.

    • Bold Futures: Bold Futures has recently launched as a new event sustainability consultancy company. Sustainability is an ever changing space with ongoing technology advancements. Learn how your festival can generate revenue from its own waste.

    New Product Showcase Speaker: Jeremy Fleming

    Jeremy Fleming is an award-winning leader, entrepreneur, and founder of Stagekings, Australia's... More

    New Product Showcase Speaker: Luke Trickett

    Luke Trickett is the founder of the public equities fund, Blue Stamp Company, which he has led... More

    New Product Showcase Speaker: Andrew Stone

    Andrew Stone is a veteran in the world of festivals and major events! With over 20 years of... More

    New Product Showcase Speaker: Robert Slikker

    Rob leads the Olinga Group of companies which includes Bold Futures and a leading event labour... More

    New Product Showcase Speaker: Dr. Abbas Elmualim

    Dr Elmualim is a passionate sustainability leader with proven track record in architecture,... More

    1 hour
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
  • Panel discussion: Sustainability - best practice

    Sustainable events is such a hot topic right now among the festival community and a huge focus area for AFIC this year!

    AFIC is pleased to be bringing you some of Australia's best event sustainability and waste management specialists who will explore:

    • what is considered current best-practice?

    • where is the industry heading?

    • what are the revenue and audience engagement opportunities?

    Introducing our panel of experts:

    • Greg Donovan, MD of Outback Music Festival Group (Big Red Bash & Mundi Mundi Bash)

    • Badi Mahabat, Principle Partner of Bold Futures - an event sustainability consultancy firm

    • Andrew Macarthur, MD of one of Australia's leading event waste management and cleaning firms, Clean Vibes and City Return & Earn

    • Jessica Wundke, Manager Policy Reform, Green Industries SA - led the development of SA's 2022 Guidelines for Waste and Recycling at Events and Venues

    Greg Donavan

    After spending 35 years working in senior positions in the banking and insurance... More

    Jessica Wundke

    Jessica works across policy areas covering food and organic waste, single-use plastics, events... More

    Andrew Macarthur

    Andrew Macarthur is an Australian entrepreneur and the founder of Clean Vibes and City Return... More

    New Product Showcase Speaker: Robert Slikker

    Rob leads the Olinga Group of companies which includes Bold Futures and a leading event labour... More

    45 mins
4:15 PM
  • Five building blocks to take your festival from idea to launch

    Got an idea for a festival that you've been mulling over for a while, but just not sure how to get it off the ground and make it a reality?

    We're pleased to introduce you to Sally Porteous who'll be giving a presentation and follow up workshop on five key building blocks to making your festival into a success story!

    Sally Porteous

    Sally Porteous is Managing Director of event production company Red Lanyard, where she produces... More

    25 mins
4:45 PM
  • Workshop: Five building blocks to take your festival from idea to launch

    Sally will follow up with a workshop on how you can take your festival from idea to launch!

    Sally Porteous

    Sally Porteous is Managing Director of event production company Red Lanyard, where she produces... More

    45 mins
8:30 AM
  • Trade show & exhibition
    6.75 hours
  • Registrations open

    Indulge in a complimentary fresh, barista-made coffee at the Australian Frontline Solutions coffee cart. 

    45 mins
9:20 AM
  • Opening & MC Welcome
    5 mins
9:30 AM
  • Keynote: Activating non-traditional public spaces - strategies for inclusive festival content design

    By the end of this presentation you will understand:

    • the potential opportunities of activating non-traditional public spaces in an inclusive manner

    • how appealing to diverse audiences fosters a sense of belonging, amplifies community engagement and facilitates the embracing of shared cultural heritage

    • how spaces can become dynamic platforms for creativity, innovation and collaboration

    Keynote Speaker: Anthony Bastic AM

    Anthony Bastic is a pioneer in conceptualising, producing and delivering festivals and major... More

    25 mins
10:00 AM
  • NSW Ministerial update: a way forward

    Minister Graham will be outlining the NSW Government's priorities moving forward and what this means for the major events and festival industries.

    The Hon. John GRAHAM, MLC

    The Hon. John Graham MLC was elected in 2016 to serve the people of NSW and appointed his... More

    25 mins
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
  • Panel discussion: Accessibility - best practice

    Delivering an accessible event is a legal requirement, enforced at a federal level and in many Australian States and territories, so how does one go about delivering a quality experience for those with accessible requirements.

    AFIC is pleased to be bringing you some of Australia's best accessibility specialists who will explore:

    • what is considered current best-practice?

    • where is the industry heading?

    • what are the revenue and audience engagement opportunities?

    Introducing our panel of experts:

    • Liz Martin - CEO, Accessible Arts

    • Ashleigh O’Gara – Event Manager, Ability Fest (Untitled Group)

    Liz Martin

    Liz Martin is the CEO of Accessible Arts and an award-winning musician with over 20 years’... More

    Ashleigh O'Gara

    Ability Fest is a joint venture between The Dylan Alcott Foundation and the Untitled Group. A... More

    40 mins
11:50 AM
  • Panel Q&A: 'Ask the experts'

    A NEW "ABC Q&A" style opportunity for AFIC delegates to ask our industry experts almost anything!

    Registered delegates will be invited to submit questions in advance of the event. If you're chosen, you'll be asked to stand up and read out your question to the panel.

    Our panellists include:

    • Rhoda Roberts, Creative Director of Parrtjima Festival and First Nations Advisor at AGB Events

    • Lisa Dowsett, Head of Events & Partnerships at Northern Beaches Council

    • Shannon Green, Senior Manager of Business Development at Sydney Showground

    Our panellists bring a wealth of knowledge spanning across first nations program curation, event planning, event operations, creative production, and venue management.

    Between them, they've managed almost every kind of festival or major event you can think of, from curating nationally significant indigenous events such as Parrtjima Festival, to producing food and sporting festivals such as Good Food Month and the Australian Running Festival, to event crowd control and safety to music festivals such as Glastonbury.

    Keynote Speaker: Rhoda Roberts AO

    A Widjabul woman from the Bundjalung territories, Rhoda Roberts AO and an experienced festival... More

    Lisa Dowsett

    Lisa Dowsett has worked in the mass participation events industry for 20+ years, and has worked... More

    Shannon Green

    Shannon holds the position of Senior Manager of Business Development at Sydney Showground (SS),... More

    40 mins
12:30 PM
1:35 PM
  • Crowd Science – The Swiss Cheese Model

    Crowd safety is a hot topic of late, after a series of 'near misses' at major events, particularly in Melbourne and Sydney, resulting in minor injuries and panic. 

    What's the Swiss Cheese Model you ask? In May 2023, top crowd safety researchers came together at the Crowd Safety Summit Australia to present the most comprehensive database of deaths and injuries caused by crowd accidents ever created! The database documents more 280+ crowd accidents over the past 120 years and proposes the new ‘Swiss Cheese’ model, aimed improving safety at mass gatherings across the world.

    This presentation will:

    • introduce you to the newly developed model

    • explain why you should be taking crowd safety seriously

    • outline how you can best negate the risks

    If you're a local Council rep, you definitely won't want to miss this one!

    Roderick van Gelder

    Roderick started his career in the performing arts in 1976. He worked with major Dutch companies... More

    25 mins
2:05 PM
  • Crisis communications planning: protecting your festival's brand

    Has your festival experienced a significant crisis where you've needed to urgently manage external communications and field media enquiries but didn't have the know-how? As recent history has shown us, festivals are a potential minefield for PR crises. From ticketing and line-ups, to weather and transport, there is a wide range of issues that can emerge.

    In today's fast-paced and highly-connected world, a crisis can quickly spiral out of control, damaging the reputation of the promoter, its partners and sponsors, and the festival’s brand. Much like an insurance policy, it's becoming increasingly necessary for festival organisers to have a detailed plan in place to manage a PR crisis.

    This presentation will:

    • give you tips on how you can best protect your festival's brand through considered preparation and planning

    • teach you how to anticipate potential issues by having a strategy for addressing them

    • provide you with a ten-step framework that enables you to respond proactively - not reactively - in the event of a PR crisis

    Jake Challenor

    Jake Challenor is an experienced publisher and journalist, turned future-focussed storyteller.... More

    25 mins
2:30 PM
3:30 PM
  • Supporting event professionals through THRIVE 2030 and Government initiatives

    Austrade's THRIVE 2030 strategy is Australia’s national strategy for the long-term sustainable growth of the visitor economy. Updates to the strategy were made in March earlier this year and reflect the government's priorities for First Nations tourism, climate change and sustainability.

    This session will outline what this means for the major events and festivals industry, along with other Federal Government initiatives are available to organisers.

    Samantha Palmer

    Samantha Palmer has been the General Manager of Austrade’s Visitor Economy and Client... More

    25 mins
4:00 PM
  • National audience research: how cost-of-living pressures are affecting festival audiences

    Everyone is feeling cost of living pressures, but is this really affecting festival audiences' purchasing decisions?

    This presentation will provide you with:

    • the latest research from Patternmakers on how cost of living pressures are affecting festival audience behaviour

    • tips on how you can apply these insights to key decisions relating to your festival's marketing, programming and ticketing

    Caitlin McNaughton

    Caitlin is Patternmakers’ Manager, Research and Insights. She leads a team of analysts to... More

    25 mins
4:25 PM
    5 mins
4:30 PM
  • Conference closing remarks & wrap up discussion
    15 mins
5:00 PM
  • Welcome function

    AFIC’s welcome function will be held at the conclusion of day one (Monday 8 September) on the deck at Rivershed, overlooking the spectacular Brisbane River and towards the iconic Storey Bridge!

    The two-hour networking function is AFIC’s first official networking function and will provide delegates with a chance to mingle and connect while indulging in some delicious canapes and beverages.

    2 hours
5:00 PM
  • Concluding function

    AFIC’s second networking event will be held at the conclusion of day two (Tuesday 9 September) on the deck at Mr Percival’s, overlooking the spectacular Brisbane River and directly underneath the iconic Storey Bridge!

    The three-hour networking function is the final opportunity for delegates to mingle and connect while indulging in delicious canapes and beverages.

    3 hours