abstract preparation instrux
Closing Date 31st August 2022
We invite abstracts within the topics of "Variant Effect Prediction" for poster presentation by the closing date of 31st August 2022.
As this is a training course there is no time in the program to accept oral presentations from abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be accepted as posters or "video poster" presentations.
Accepted Posters will submit their poster as a PDF file that will be made available to all attendees.
Video Poster Presentations
Selected abstracts will be accepted as Video Poster presentations and will present a 2-3 minute pre-recorded video that will be made available for on-demand viewing to all attendees.
Please follow the instructions for preparation of your abstract and submission below.
author instrux
1. Authors of research papers who wish to have their abstracts considered for inclusion in the scientific programs must submit their abstract via EMAIL to info (at) meeting-makers.com having regard to the closing dates in the Call for Abstracts and on the Abstract submission site. Abstracts submitted after the closing date will not be considered.
2. The detailed formatting instructions below must be followed for the abstract to appear in the program e-book.
3. The acceptance, timing, presentation and discussion of all papers and posters is at the discretion of the Organising Committee. Notification of the timing of presentations will appear in correspondence sent to all successful authors.
4. AUTHORS MUST BE FULLY REGISTERED FOR THE MEETING BY 15th August 2022. FOR THEIR ABSTRACT TO APPEAR IN THE PUBLICATIONS. We DO NOT publish abstracts from anyone not fully registered or attending the Course.
formatting instructions
Please download the formatting instructions and prepare your abstract before submitting it.
When you are satisfied you have formatted your abstract correctly, please submit your abstract via the Google Form.
Before your submit please make sure to include:
• The title of the abstract
• Authors
• Author Affiliations
• Abstract