
We have many participants - but we want to help you attend so we have extended the earlybird and lowered the late fee! Time to celebrate!

registration includes
- full access to live-streamed lectures (opportunity for Q & A)
- interactive workshops
- all recorded sessions on-demand
- on-demand only content
- access to the virtual posters
- various administrative costs
payment options
The reduced registration fee is only applicable, if it has also been paid to the event account according to the deadlines. Registering without performing an actual payment will automatically set your balance to the next available fee when the Earlybird date has passed.
Payment Options
Payments may be made by:
- Credit Card (VISA & Mastercard only). You will be transferred to a secure site. THERE ARE NO SURCHARGES despite an automatic message popup saying there "may be surcharges". This takes you to the SecurePay payment gateway the preferred method of payment.
- It is also possible to pay by card via two alternative methods: (1) Choose "Credit Card via PayPal" and pay by card (you don't need a PayPal account) or (2) Choose "Bank Transfer, offline credit card or cheque" and send card details to be charged offline (form on the invoice issued).
- PayPal account
- Bank Transfer*
- Cheque*
*Bank Transfer & Cheque: The details required are on the bottom of the invoice issued. Please quote your invoice number in the reference so we can identify the payment!
Amount is shown in AUD $.
If you have a problem or question please contact us.
By Registering you will be asked to agree to the Terms and Conditions as set out on this site.
registration instructions
- Your name badge will be printed as YOU have typed it - if you make a typo, it will be printed!
- Please DO NOT type everything in Capital letters or small case, use Sentence Case e.g. type Anna Vissi not ANNA VISSI.
- Please ensure your email address is correct or you will not receive any notifications!
- During registration there is a field "VIP code", you do not need to fill this out - please leave it empty.
- Please fill out the "Billing Address" in the payment section even if it is the same as your address. The billing address is displayed on the invoice, (some delegates have a different billing address). The registration will not be completed unless you fill this out.
- Bank Transfers: please quote the invoice number in your Reference or we will not know who it is from!
If you have any problems, please contact us.
Amounts shown in Australian $.
Fees are in AUD. At 23 June 2022: Earlybird Registrations approx. Regular = €145 & Student €100. Prices fluctuate with exchange rate. Credit cards will be exchanged automatically. Please make bank transfer in AUD to avoid unnecessary bank fees for you and us!