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aes24 International Evaluation Conference

Monday, 16 September 2024 to Friday, 20 September 2024 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre



Before completing you proposal ensure your read the instructions and tips here >>>>>
Proposal submission deadlines:
Conference workshop proposals close 26 February 2024
Conference presentation proposals close 18 March 2024
Ignite presentations close 18 March 2024


NOTE: In 2024, delegates and presenters are meeting face-to-face in Melbourne, Australia. There will be no remote delivery of presentations, nor virtual access to conference sessions.

Call for conference proposals

Opens: 30/11/23 1:00 AM
Closes: 19/03/24 11:30 PM

BLIND PEER REVIEW: The AES uses double-blind review when assessing conference proposals. This means that author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Ensure that the proposal is prepared in a way that does not give away your identity (except for Panels and Big Room presentations). 


  • READ all the Call for Proposals webpages at
  • ENTER the Abstract AND Justification Statement into the Abstract field ensuring it contains no identifying information.
  • FOLLOW the guidelines for conference proposals on the webpages, in particular in relation to the abstract and justification statement.  See the call for proposals and presentation format pages for further information on Abstract preparation.
  • DOWNLOAD this annoted guide (right click to save) to assist with filling in the submission form.

Please note: The theme, target audience, and industry sector selections will help the program committee to organise the program. The committee reserves the right to decide on the categorisation of proposals and to vary the theme and/or industry categories.

Submission deadline is 18 March 2024. No further extensions or exceptions will be granted.

Sorry, submissions have closed

Call for workshop proposals

Opens: 14/12/22 1:00 AM
Closes: 27/02/24 12:00 PM

Download the conference workshops proposal template (Word document), complete and save on your computer. You will be asked to upload this document ('Choose File' button) as part of the online submission process.

>>> DOWNLOAD the pre-conference workshop proposal template from this page

Make sure that you follow the guidelines for pre-conference workshop proposals as listed here, in particular in relation to the abstract and justification statement before commencing the online submission process.

Submission deadline is 26 February 2024. No further extensions or exceptions will be granted.

Sorry, submissions have closed

Call for Ignite session proposals

Opens: 14/12/22 1:00 AM
Closes: 19/03/24 11:30 PM


  • READ all the Call for Proposals webpages at
  • ENTER your pitch into the Abstract field.  You may optionally provide a link to a video.
  • FOLLOW the guidelines on the conference proposals webpage.

Please note: The theme, target audience and industry sector selections will help the program committee to organise the program. The committee reserves the right to decide on the categorisation of proposals and to vary the theme and/or industry categories.

Deadline: 18 March 2024

Sorry, submissions have closed