Recordings of most plenary sessions and some others are available on the AIMOS YouTube channel. Enjoy viewing - we hope you can join us at our next conference!
If you missed the conference and are not on our mailing list - subscribe on the AIMOS homepage to receive information about our next conference.

about aimos 2021
Metaresearch brings together questions about incentives and efficiencies in scientific practice, research integrity and management, and the reliability of the evidence base for practice, decisions and policy. Open Science relates to data and code sharing, open source software development, open access, open peer review and transparency of methods and analysis. The 3rd annual conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary Metaresearch and Open Science (aimos) is an opportunity for scholars, practitioners and institutional representatives to share knowledge, develop and discuss initiatives to improve the practice and culture of science, and to foster the growing community of metaresearchers globally.
aimos 2021 will be a partially structured conference with a range of interspersed session types followed by Q & A and will comprise:
- plenary lectures and mini-notes (by invitation only)
- lightning panels- short talks grouped by theme (open submission)
- workshops - experienced researchers give guided instruction and training on a particular topic (open submission)
- hackathons - a hands-on project with a clear end goal (open submission)
- discussion groups - unstructured but should have a focal issue or question (open submission)
In 2021 the conference will also support “discover metascience” sessions, which provide background and introduction for those new to aimos or metaresearch and open science more generally.

aimos 2021 will cover a broad range of open science and scientific reform topics including but not limited to:
- pre-registration and Registered Reports
- peer review and scientific publishing
- using R for analysis
- open source experimental programming
- meta-research
- replicability
- improving statistical and scientific inference
- diversity in scientific community and practice
- methodological and scientific culture change
keynote speakers

View the AIMOS 2021 overview

photos by Christina Wocinte, Annie Soratt, Hatham, Juan Encalada and Lucas Sankey on Unsplash